16 July 2012

Calling all Texas Teachers


Still working on the "after" 
I'm extremely excited to be "in the building" this year! Right next door to our principal too! Maybe she doesn't realize how many questions I ask on a daily basis ;)

My mother-in-law retired in May from teaching for over 20 years! I am so proud of her!
4 truckloads of teaching materials were hauled from her classroom and I have the awesome blessing of receiving! Along with crates of books and school supplies, she also gave me several professional teaching books. Last week I read both the Daily 5 and CAFE books and was very impressed with the work of "the sisters"

I am now looking for Texas Elementary teachers (particularly third grade) who are also familiar with these routines and have implemented them in their classrooms. I am looking for a way to incorporate the Daily 5 and CAFE lesson/structure with STAAR preparation as well as aligning the standards (TEKS). Sooooo where are you guys???

11 December 2011

What motivates students to read?

As a recent graduate from Texas Tech University College of Education, I was offered a position teaching third grade. I faced many challenges as a new teacher, the most prominent being my students’ lack of motivation to read “good fit” books –those at an appropriate level and of interest to the students. I noticed the tone of the classroom negatively shift when it was time to have students read-to-self. Aside from a few students there was not the eagerness and excitement I expected when students were allowed to select their own “good fit” book. Several students would simply put their heads on their desk, some students went through the motions to appear to be reading, and others would hold a book, but their eyes would be everywhere but on the words of the page. I was aware that some students would be reluctant readers and that many in my class may of difficulties with reading, but I was shocked to the extent of their resistance and dislike for reading and other literacy activities. I did not know what had led them to this point, but it was now my responsibility to instill a love of reading in each of my students.
            This year will be the first of a new state standardized test, and reading is one of the two areas of knowledge and skills that third graders are expected to master. Additionally, as students continue their education they will be expected to read to learn. In other words, third grade is the last year students will have the support and direct instruction for learning to read. Therefore, it is crucial that students become interested in and motivated to read independently with fluency, comprehension, and enjoyment. 
What do you do in your classroom to motivate readers?
How do you gauge student comprehension for independent reading tasks?
What research have you read related to this topic?

10 September 2011


I have been trying to come up with ideas for my first week of school. It's a bit challenging, because it's not my students first week...it's their fourth! At this point, I know nothing. So if anyone has any ideas on how to cram classroom management, getting to know you, and diving into content in just a couple days...PLEASE HELP!

What about: 

Purpose: to allow students the chance to reflect about an individuals’ attributes from history or fiction
1.     Distribute a biographical or fictional text and tell the students to look for characteristics that will be included in the biopoem while reading.
2.     Students read text while thinking about what they will include in their biopoem.
3.     Provide a template (handout or display on overhead etc) with the biopoem format.
4.     Share and post the biopoems in the classroom for everyone to read and reflect on.

Sample Biopoem Template #1:
(Line 1) First name
(Line 2) Three or four adjectives that describe the person
(Line 3) Important relationship (daughter of . . . , mother of . . . , etc)
(Line 4) Two or three things, people, or ideas that the person loved
(Line 5) Three feelings the person experienced
(Line 6) Three fears the person experienced
(Line 7) Accomplishments (who composed . . . , who discovered . . . , etc.)
(Line 8) Two or three things the person wanted to see happen or wanted to experience
(Line 9) His or her residence
(Line 10) Last name
From Abromitis, B.S. (1994, June/July). Bringing lives to life. Biographies in reading and the content areas. Reading Today,
Developed by A.R. Gere, ed., Roots in the Sawdust: Writing to Learn across the Curriculum (Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1985).

Blue, Fresh, Wet, Moving
Child of the ocean, Big brother of the stream and creek
Lover of fish, bends, and the sun
Who feels rage during the storm and peace when the skies are blue
Who needs to be a home to living things
Who fears pollution and global warming
Who gives refreshment and adventure
Who would like to see more trees and less trash
Resident of the Land

Sample Biopoem Template #2:
(Line 1) First name
(Line 2) Words that describe you
(Line 3) Lover of
(Line 4) Who is able to
(Line 5)Who feels
(Line 6) Who wonders
(Line 7) Who fears
(Line 8) Who would like to
(Line 9) Who dreams
(Line 10) Last name

curious, cheerful, respectful
Lover of cookies, doggies, and books
Who wonders if there are aliens in outerspace
Who fears alligators in the swamp
Who feels excited to be a third grade teacher!
Who would like to learn how to sew and walk on the Great Wall of China
Who dreams that this year our class will love each other and love learning!

From Laura Candler ~ Teaching Resources~ www.lauracandler.com

Technology Integration: create a wordle 

Wordle: biopoem

Benefits and Limitations:
·      Teachers may select to have students create a biopoem about themselves before assigning a biography or history subject.
·      This strategy aides in comprehension and can be used across content areas with any individual being studied.
·      The formula may be modified according to the individual being studied.
·      Biopoems may also be created from the standpoint of an inanimate object.

05 September 2011

Family Partnership

Family/School/Community Partnership because we are ALL advocates for the children! (from National Coalition for Parent Involvement)
o   Parent involvement is critical, they are the child’s first and most important teachers

1.     Support Communication
About: progress, objectives, methods of assessment, behavior/attitudes
Via: letter, conferences, phone, email, internet (blog/website), open house/parties, portfolio, suggestion box, open door policy, Dr. Jean –brain tickets

2.     Support School Activities
a.     Volunteers, tutors, aides, field trips, events: assemblies, performances, family friendly atmosphere

3.     Support Home Activities
a.     Study habits, interactive hw, bedtime, attendance, bring home activities, skill practice, enrichment games, school expectations

11 August 2011

How do we teach elementary science?

I’ve heard it said time and time again that people learn best by “doing”. As a future educator, it is my responsibility to seek out ways in which people learn and teach accordingly. For the last couple years, I have been employed by Texas Tech as a tutor for college students with learning disabilities. Each student had a number of disabilities to deal with, ranging from dyslexia, dyscalculia, attention deficit disorder, etc, as well as varying degrees of these disabilities. Additionally, because of these disabilities, the students possessed different levels of confidence or anxiety when it came to schoolwork or exams. Instead of focusing on my students’ disabilities, I quickly learned to focus on their effective learning styles and worked with them in ways they felt most comfortable and successful. One of the biggest problems for teachers is keeping the students’ attention and finding ways for them to be active participants in classroom lessons. I think this is especially difficult in the elementary science classroom where the majority of topics are most commonly taught by direct instruction and the students practice rote memorization of definitions and formulas. However, I think science provides a great opportunity for students to develop interests to actively pursue and make meaning for themselves.
As students are learning new concepts and connecting them to their previous experiences and pre-existing conceptions about the world, they are able to organize their thoughts and make meaning of new information (accommodation and assimilation). Educational psychologists like Piaget have studied and debated on ways to increase the effectiveness of instruction by developing learning theories, which has lead to ideas of constructivism. The constructivist viewpoint involves the notion that knowledge is gained from experience. This theory is often used to back-up supporters of active learning. I think a good combination of a variety of learning theories is the most effective approach to teaching a variety of learners with different skills, experiences, and learning styles. However, the nature of science allows more room for inquiry-based education, particularly when established on the ideas of constructivism. Many teachers have switched their focus from directly teaching students facts and information to developing classroom activities that help students to develop problem-solving skills. Oftentimes this includes group work with minimal guidance, in which students chose the questions to explore, the procedure for testing their hypothesis, and the teacher serves as a facilitator. Teachers refrain from telling the students the expected outcome and allow them to make predictions of their own based on what they already know. I think it is important for educators to provide definitions to scientific terminology and formulas to assist the students in a sort of “spontaneous discovery.” Children will be engaged as they attempt to learn meaning and answer questions like “why” and “how.” Just as Dr. Narayan says, it is necessary for students to participate in activities that are both “hands-on” and “minds-on.” Even if, in the end students make inaccurate conclusions, feel frustration, or come across dead-ends, important problem-solving skills are refined and they experience the struggles of every scientist. They will develop more confidence with increased exposure to the scientific process and it will help them resolve many conflicts they face. This type of science lesson will also help the instructor to gather information and evaluate the students’ levels of comprehension. Additionally, teachers will be able to enumerate the specific areas of confusion among the class as well as the areas of greatest interest and mastery.


Purpose: to prepare students for reading or writing, increase comprehension, extend understanding of a topic/concept, character, or text from various perspectives. May also be used as a pot-reading activity to encourage students to think critically about the topic at hand.
1. The teacher or students must select a topic to be cubed.
2. If being used as a whole-class activity, the class may be divided into 6 groups and each group will be assigned a perspective to consider and discuss.
3. Each group writes a summary or their discussion and shares it with the class. These perspectives may be taped to the cube for reference and access.
Benefits and Limitations:
· May be used as whole-class, cooperative group, pairs, or independent activity.
· Almost any topic may be cubed including math concepts, science theories, and events in history.
· When used as a post-reading strategy, students are required to apply the information they have learned.
· May be modified according to desired outcomes and lesson objectives.
· This strategy should be modeled and the teacher should explain why this strategy is being used.
Possible Cube Perspectives:
Describe: what does it look like? What are some traits/characteristics? What size, shape, or color?
Compare: What does it remind you of? How is it like something else? What is it different/opposite from?
Associate: What does it make you think of? How is it related to other topics or people? How does it connect to other things/concepts?
Analyze: What is it made of? How can you break it down into smaller parts?
Apply: What can be done? How is it used?
Argue for/against: make a list of supporting reasons

This is one of my favorite strategies because it is engaging, easily adaptable, and a great concept attainment tool for all grades!
I created this cube (with detachable parts) for a Pre-Kindergarten lesson on food/nutrition. The student's enthusiasm and participation was fantastic! By the end of the unit their discussion and thought processes became observably more detailed and sophisticated.

Analogy Charting

Purpose: to create a visual framework of text-to-self connection and note differences and similarities between a new familiar concept. “Analogies are based on the compare/contrast text frame, and as students explore relationships by connecting to already known ideas, they broaden their understanding of important concepts or vocabulary.” (Buehl 2009)
1. Select a familiar concept that can serve as an analogy for a new concept. The familiar concept should be well understood by all students and have characteristics which are analogous to those of the new concept.
2. Introduce analogy and have students brainstorm characteristics of both concepts to put under the “similarities” column.
3. Have students brainstorm differences between the two concepts and fill out the other side of the analogy chart.
4. Discuss relationship categories and “what you understand now” (summary statement).
· Provides students a foundation (outline) for developing organized compare/contrast summaries
· Allows students to relate to the new concepts by making connections to their background knowledge
· The “familiar concept” must truly be familiar to the students and directly comparable to the new concept